
Custom design a Tele-Town Hall Events program that fits your campaign’s needs and targets prospective voters. Interact with millions in a matter of minutes.

Use Suite of TTH products to tell voters who you are and why you are running.
Utilize a combination of P2P & tele-Town Hall events to raise money for your campaign.
Find out what voters are thinking with P2P Text Surveys & IVR Automated Surveys
Tell the voters where you stand on the issues most important to them with P2P, Calls & TTH Events

Why Do Political Organizations Use Tele-Town Hall?

Tele-Town Hall has been working within the political spectrum for 17 years and has become synonymous with success when running a campaign. This is due in no small part to the suite of services we offer.

Tele-Town Hall Events

Allow you to take questions live, conduct polls and have a real conversation with voters, letting them know you are listening. Reach mobile-only households using Mobile Waiting Room. Enhance fundraising with synchronized texting. Plus, easily integrate with Zoom and other video programs.

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IVR Automated Surveys

Help you conduct automated polls and surveys to help with voter ID efforts. And with a complex branching of questions and the ability to randomize answers for statistical viability, you can be assured your polling data will be pristine.

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P2P Texting

Lets you reach millions of people a day for your fundraising needs. Easily and quickly send campaign ads with MMS messaging, along with tracking click throughs, keyword auto response surveys, and GOTV with a polling location finder link.

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Polling Suite

Utilizes multiple methods, such as Live Calling, IVR’s and P2P messaging to conduct accurate polls in a cost effective and timely manner.

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Live Call Center

Lets you mobilize your campaign. Reach thousands per day to GOTV and get real-time voter ID, surveys, fundraising and so much more.

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Voice Broadcasting/Robo Calls

School Districts often need community input from voters about where they stand on school funding. IVRs are a beneficial way of reaching those voters who may not be a part of their parent network.

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Live Voice Broadcast

Deliver a personal voice message to mobiles, compliantly and at scale. Engage voters with your message while avoiding 10DLC registration delays associated with texting.

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List Procurement

Let Tele-Town Hall target names, phone numbers and a variety of data identifiers using updated voter files to ensure your lists are as up to date and accurate as possible for your campaign.

Case Studies

  • Australian Prime Minister Race

    The 2019 Australian Federal Election is the latest example of Tele-Town Hall’s ability to shape the outcome of an election. Prior to Election Day, every major pollster predicted that the Australian Labor Party (ALP) would prevail handedly. However, on election night, the Liberal Party of Australia (LPA), led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, stunned the world…

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  • Real Conversations Will Never Be Antiquated

    Technology has changed significantly over the last ten years, but the way we communicate has not. Conversations over the telephone remain the most effective way to connect. Other forms of communication— texting, emails, social media— have been integrated into telephones as accessories, not as alternatives that supersede them.

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