Tele-Town Hall Event

Outreach Methods to Drive Increased Donations

Date: Wednesday, July 24th
Time: 10:00-10:30 am EST
Location: (You’ll receive a call to join before the call begins.)

Join us for an engaging Tele-Town Hall event designed for non-profits looking to boost their fundraising efforts. This event will explore various outreach methods, including P2P (MMS/SMS texts), auto-calls, Tele-Town Hall events, Text-to-Web campaigns and more.

Our experts will cover:
-Best practices for hosting successful Tele-Town Hall events to engage members and increase donations.
-Benefits of using MMS text messages to engage donors with compelling images and video content.
-How Text to Web can provide valuable feedback and insight from your supporters.
-The impact of auto-calls on mobilizing and engaging your donor base.

Register for this event by filling out the form below.